How to Make Your Own Doily Boho Dream Catcher

- 12" Hoop
- Vintage Doily (or New). You want the doily to be smaller than the hoop so you can stretch it nicely. So for this project, your doily will be 10-11"
- Various Yarns (see below)
- Vintage or New Lace trim 1" - 1 1/2"
- Feathers
- Twine
- Flowers and Greenery
- Hot Glue Gun with Glue Sticks
Since my doily was too big and frayed around the edges, I trimmed it down first.
Don't be afraid to trim them down...just be sure to cut above the knot and it won't fray.
The first step is to cut and tie the twine onto your hoop. Measure the circumference of the hoop and cut about 2.5x that for the length of the twine.
When tying it on, I always use a square knot and then pull on it really tight to make SURE the knot won't slip after you've trimmed it.
Next, you put the string through one of the loops from behind, then bring it around the front of your hoop and back around through the next loop on the doily.
Continue this until it's all the way around, then tighten it up.
To finish, make several knots around at the end by looping your twine around and through, around and through, etc. (See photo)
Then trim the ends.
I always make a loop for it to hang from. Just cut about 12" of string, double it and tie the top. Then make a slip knot at the top of the dream catcher hoop. This is your "hanging loop"
Now, for the fun part! I like to use a mix of 4-6 different types of yarn and 2-4 lace types. Having lots of different yarns for the fringe gives it the whimsical boho look that we're going for here! I linked the exact yarns and some that are similar above in the materials bulleted list.
Measure how long you want it and cut your first piece of yarn TWICE that length. Then fold it in half and make a slip knot at the bottom of the hoop. Then do that two more times at the sides where you want it to stop. I usually stop my fringe around 4 and 8 o'clock.
Then fill in the rest the same way. Use your imagination here; there's no right or wrong way to do it.
At this point, I always trim up the bottom to clean up any stragglers and shape it into a "U"
To add feathers, cut a piece of twine about as long as one of your yarn pieces and double it up. Then bundle some feathers together into a cute arrangement.
Take the cut ends of the twine and put them down at the tops of the feathers facing the feather tips, dab some glue from your glue gun and twirl the twine around about 4-5 times.
You'll attach this the same way you did the yarn. I only made one for this dream catcher, but you could really add lots of feathers this way!
The last step is gluing on the flowers. I glued down the large pink flower first, and then the green leaves around it. Then I stuck in some feathers and a couple of smaller flowers.
If you make one, please tag me on social media! #poetrytea @poetry_tea on Insta and find me here on Facebook, too.
Hope you enjoy!!
xoxo Christine